

We encourage team building and bonding activities; and reward employees who make substantial contributions to the organization’s success

Celebrating Employees

We organise corporate parties to celebrate together, share in our successes and build relationships with colleagues. Food, drinks and entertainment are provided, which enable staff to relax, bond with colleagues and have fun in a secure environment. Our annual events include:

CEO Awards Ceremony: Every financial year, we celebrate outstanding staff contributions at our awards ceremony.

Children's Party: The children's party enables us recognise the immense support our employees' families has contributed to our success.
Christmas Celebration: Each member of staff is encouraged to attend the annual Christmas Party. It provides a forum to celebrate together as a team, as well as with our customers.

Graduation Ceremony for Entry Level Training Programme: We celebrate trainees who distinguished themselves and excelled in the four months training programme at the Banking school of excellence.
See our roll of excellence here.